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Iszonyatosan meglepődött, aztán mérhetetlenül boldog lett!

This picture taken 19 years shows Aimee Maiden (circled left) and Nick Wheeler (circled right) at Mousehole beach, Cornwall. A couple browsing old family photo albums ahead of their wedding were shocked to find a picture of themselves playing together on a beach - as CHILDREN. See SWNS Story SWPHOTO. Teacher Aimee Maiden, 25, and her soldier husband Nick Wheeler, 26, had no idea their paths had crossed until they saw the grainy snap taken 20 years earlier. Aimee grew up in the tiny seaside village of Mousehole, Cornwall, and was a regular visitor to the beach - while Nick lived in KENT but just happened to be on holiday there. The two kids, Aimee aged five and Nick aged six, spent the day building sand castles just a few yards apart but their two families never met or spoke. Nick moved to Cornwall a year later but didn't meet 'soulmate' Aimee again till they went to the same sixth form college and fell in love. But they knew nothing about their chance childhood meeting until they began going through old family photos at Nick's grandparents' house ahead of their engagement party last year. They came across the shot of Nick playing on the beach with his sister and cousins when shocked Aimee suddenly recognised herself in the background. 31 July 2014

1994-et írunk. Nick Wheeler és családja otthonától több száz kilométerre az Egyesült Királyság-béli Cornwallban rokonoknál nyaral. ugyanebben az időben Aimee Maiden is szívesen időzik családjával a tengerparton. Annál is inkább, mert azon szerencsések egyike, aki Cornwallban lakik.

Nick nagypapája boldogan fotózza a családot, majd a fotó egy albumba kerül, ahol szép lassan a feledés homályába vész. A kis Nick felnő, kijárja iskoláit, majd megnősül.

Aimee Maiden and Nick Wheeler at Mousehole beach, Cornwall. A couple browsing old family photo albums ahead of their wedding were shocked to find a picture of themselves playing together on a beach - as CHILDREN. See SWNS Story SWPHOTO. Teacher Aimee Maiden, 25, and her soldier husband Nick Wheeler, 26, had no idea their paths had crossed until they saw the grainy snap taken 20 years earlier. Aimee grew up in the tiny seaside village of Mousehole, Cornwall, and was a regular visitor to the beach - while Nick lived in KENT but just happened to be on holiday there. The two kids, Aimee aged five and Nick aged six, spent the day building sand castles just a few yards apart but their two families never met or spoke. Nick moved to Cornwall a year later but didn't meet 'soulmate' Aimee again till they went to the same sixth form college and fell in love. But they knew nothing about their chance childhood meeting until they began going through old family photos at Nick's grandparents' house ahead of their engagement party last year. They came across the shot of Nick playing on the beach with his sister and cousins when shocked Aimee suddenly recognised herself in the background. 31 July 2014

Aztán egyszer a nagyszülőknél időzve forgatni kezdi a fotóalbumokat. És kit lát meg a nyaraláson készült fotó hátterében? Tulajdon feleségét gyerekként, akit történetesen Aimee Maidennek hívnak. Hát persze, hogy visszamentek egy közös fotóra “első találkozásuk” helyszínére!


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