Az egyik rokonom puszit adott a 2 éves kislányomnak… borzalmas dolog történt ezután…

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Az egész akkor kezdődött, amikor Sienna Duffield második születésnapját ünnepelte. A kislány édesanyja megengedte, hogy a családtagok, rokonok megpuszilják a gyerek arcát. Nem sokkal ezután, a kislány arcán csúnya hólyagok jelentek meg, úgy nézet ki, mintha savat öntöttek volna az arcára…

“Pontosan úgy nézett ki, mintha valaki savval leöntötte volna az arcát” – mesélte az édesanya. “Amikor kimentünk az utcára, az emberek összeráncolták a szemöldöküket, a gyerekek gúnyos megjegyzéseket tettek.”

A következő nyolc hónap borzalmas volt. Az orvosok fáradhatatlanul megpróbálták felfedezni, hogy mi lehet az oka ennek a csúnya bőrfertőzésnek. Azonban nehezen jöttek rá, hogy a titok egy egyszerű pusziban rejlett.

“Csak nyolc hónapos antibiotikumos kezelés után jöttek rá, hogy mi okozta ezet a csúnya fertőzést. Eleinte az orvosok azt mondták, hogy allergiás valamire és azt tanácsolták, hogy ne igyon tejterméket, ne érintkezzen háziállatokkal.”

Az édesanya mindent lehetőséget megpróbált, hogy megfejtse a betegség okát.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Sienna Duffield and her mother Savina French-Bell.) -An adorable toddler who was being eaten alive by a ravaging skin infection has finally recovered. Sienna Duffield, who is now three years old, was diagnosed with herpes earlier in the year - a contagious virus, which caused blisters to spread across her face. The toddler kissed a family member in October 2015 which caused the severe infection. Her mother, Savina French-Bell, 21, had to wash Siennas bed sheets daily and constantly throw out clothes because of daily blood stains from Siennas sores. The painful blisters were extremely itchy and caused Siennas sensitive skin to be covered in blood stains and pus. Sienna was admitted to hospital on her second birthday in October 2015 where she was placed on an iv drip because she had stopped eating. Savina then sought advice for creams and antibiotics to prevent Siennas condition from getting even worse. The young mother is now sharing their story to help other parents battling the same condition. SEE CATERS COPY.

A kislány már három éves volt, amikor végre felfedezték a rejtélyes betegség okát.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Sienna Duffield when her condition was at its worse.) -An adorable toddler who was being eaten alive by a ravaging skin infection has finally recovered. Sienna Duffield, who is now three years old, was diagnosed with herpes earlier in the year - a contagious virus, which caused blisters to spread across her face. The toddler kissed a family member in October 2015 which caused the severe infection. Her mother, Savina French-Bell, 21, had to wash Siennas bed sheets daily and constantly throw out clothes because of daily blood stains from Siennas sores. The painful blisters were extremely itchy and caused Siennas sensitive skin to be covered in blood stains and pus. Sienna was admitted to hospital on her second birthday in October 2015 where she was placed on an iv drip because she had stopped eating. Savina then sought advice for creams and antibiotics to prevent Siennas condition from getting even worse. The young mother is now sharing their story to help other parents battling the same condition. SEE CATERS COPY.

“A kislány második születésnapján, szinte a semmiből jöttek elő ezek a csúnya hólyagok, miután a rokonok megpuszilgatták. Szájában is hólyagok lettek, enni sem tudott rendesen. Az utóbbi 8 hónap borzalmas volt. Ruhái mindig véresek voltak, és féltünk, hogy el fogjuk veszíteni.”

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Sienna Duffields bloody clothes..) -An adorable toddler who was being eaten alive by a ravaging skin infection has finally recovered. Sienna Duffield, who is now three years old, was diagnosed with herpes earlier in the year - a contagious virus, which caused blisters to spread across her face. The toddler kissed a family member in October 2015 which caused the severe infection. Her mother, Savina French-Bell, 21, had to wash Siennas bed sheets daily and constantly throw out clothes because of daily blood stains from Siennas sores. The painful blisters were extremely itchy and caused Siennas sensitive skin to be covered in blood stains and pus. Sienna was admitted to hospital on her second birthday in October 2015 where she was placed on an iv drip because she had stopped eating. Savina then sought advice for creams and antibiotics to prevent Siennas condition from getting even worse. The young mother is now sharing their story to help other parents battling the same condition. SEE CATERS COPY.

A hólyagok annyira súlyosak voltak, hogy állandóan összevérezte a kisbaba ruháját és az ágyneműt. Az orvosok ekcémára tippeltek, vagy valamilyen allergiára, de az antibiotikumos kezelés nem használt.

A kislányt végül kórházba szállították, mert nem tudott táplálkozni.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Sienna Duffield recovers in hospital.) -An adorable toddler who was being eaten alive by a ravaging skin infection has finally recovered. Sienna Duffield, who is now three years old, was diagnosed with herpes earlier in the year - a contagious virus, which caused blisters to spread across her face. The toddler kissed a family member in October 2015 which caused the severe infection. Her mother, Savina French-Bell, 21, had to wash Siennas bed sheets daily and constantly throw out clothes because of daily blood stains from Siennas sores. The painful blisters were extremely itchy and caused Siennas sensitive skin to be covered in blood stains and pus. Sienna was admitted to hospital on her second birthday in October 2015 where she was placed on an iv drip because she had stopped eating. Savina then sought advice for creams and antibiotics to prevent Siennas condition from getting even worse. The young mother is now sharing their story to help other parents battling the same condition. SEE CATERS COPY.

Az édesanya csak ezután jött rá, hogy mi okozhatta a fertőzést. Eszébe jutott, hogy a hólyagok azután jelentek meg, miután az egyik családtag megcsókolta. Rájött, hogy ez okozhatta a fertőzést. A család meg volt döbbenve amikor az orvosok Herpes simplex vírust diagnosztizáltak.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Sienna Duffield when her condition was healing.) -An adorable toddler who was being eaten alive by a ravaging skin infection has finally recovered. Sienna Duffield, who is now three years old, was diagnosed with herpes earlier in the year - a contagious virus, which caused blisters to spread across her face. The toddler kissed a family member in October 2015 which caused the severe infection. Her mother, Savina French-Bell, 21, had to wash Siennas bed sheets daily and constantly throw out clothes because of daily blood stains from Siennas sores. The painful blisters were extremely itchy and caused Siennas sensitive skin to be covered in blood stains and pus. Sienna was admitted to hospital on her second birthday in October 2015 where she was placed on an iv drip because she had stopped eating. Savina then sought advice for creams and antibiotics to prevent Siennas condition from getting even worse. The young mother is now sharing their story to help other parents battling the same condition. SEE CATERS COPY.

Miután elmesélték az orvosoknak, akkor már nekik is világos volt és végre a megfelelő kezelésben részesítették.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Sienna Duffield when her condition was at its worse.) -An adorable toddler who was being eaten alive by a ravaging skin infection has finally recovered. Sienna Duffield, who is now three years old, was diagnosed with herpes earlier in the year - a contagious virus, which caused blisters to spread across her face. The toddler kissed a family member in October 2015 which caused the severe infection. Her mother, Savina French-Bell, 21, had to wash Siennas bed sheets daily and constantly throw out clothes because of daily blood stains from Siennas sores. The painful blisters were extremely itchy and caused Siennas sensitive skin to be covered in blood stains and pus. Sienna was admitted to hospital on her second birthday in October 2015 where she was placed on an iv drip because she had stopped eating. Savina then sought advice for creams and antibiotics to prevent Siennas condition from getting even worse. The young mother is now sharing their story to help other parents battling the same condition. SEE CATERS COPY.

Az utóbbi 8 hónapban a kislány arca sokat javult, de még mindig nem jött helyre egészen. Reméljük, hogy a kislány bőre teljesen helyre jön és többé nem fog senkitől gúnyos megjegyzéseket kapni.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Sienna Duffield now 3 years old.) -An adorable toddler who was being eaten alive by a ravaging skin infection has finally recovered. Sienna Duffield, who is now three years old, was diagnosed with herpes earlier in the year - a contagious virus, which caused blisters to spread across her face. The toddler kissed a family member in October 2015 which caused the severe infection. Her mother, Savina French-Bell, 21, had to wash Siennas bed sheets daily and constantly throw out clothes because of daily blood stains from Siennas sores. The painful blisters were extremely itchy and caused Siennas sensitive skin to be covered in blood stains and pus. Sienna was admitted to hospital on her second birthday in October 2015 where she was placed on an iv drip because she had stopped eating. Savina then sought advice for creams and antibiotics to prevent Siennas condition from getting even worse. The young mother is now sharing their story to help other parents battling the same condition. SEE CATERS COPY.

Az édesanya figyelmeztetése a következő: Ne engedjétek, hogy idegenek megpuszilják a baba arcát! Nem csak a herpesz, hanem egyéb fertőzések is léteznek, amelyek veszélyeztetik a kisgyermekeket!

Kérjük, hogy oszd meg ezt a tanulságos történetet, hogy ezáltal a szülők figyelmeztetve legyenek!

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